Not satisfied with his failures, he sneaked into the Zest Household and somehow managed to choke DoomGuy John to death with a grilled cheese sandwich. Jotaro deflected his puny attempt but didn't care enough to retaliate and left. He was kicked out of the house after that and tried to let off his frustration on Jotaro Kujo that was passing by. Vibe stuck around in the Bogan Household where he tried to murder Jerma Cop that he had prank called to the place, it failed miserably and he got severely beat up in return. Despite this interest, even Vibe ended up hating DIO along with everybody else in the world. He took a deep interest in DIO as well, giving him a lap dance as well as multiple sets of boner pills. He was later seen particularly enjoying Dio Day, noting that he had a great time and got to do everything he wanted to do. In September of 2019, the phrase began seeing use in ironic shitposts in which it was paired with a picture showing a violent act. Later, Bob Ross paints two gigantic portraits of him dubbed. Vibe Check is a slang term used to invite people to express their present emotional state. He visited WacDonald's Restaurant where he was seen enjoying chicken nuggets, kicking CBT Wizard in the balls and also pole dancing in the fast-food place. Vibe Check makes his debut taking over the Jamieson Household as Big Smoke kills the previous owner. Vibe Check most notably featured in Part 17. He runs away from being scared off by the sight of a Super Gamer. Vibe briefly goes clubbing in Del Sol Valley, he sneaks in a celebrity-only night and assassinates a celebrity before dancing on its corpse in front of paparazzis. They are displayed outside the home and are multiple times taller than the house itself, they can even be seen from the world map. Later, Bob Ross paints two gigantic portraits of him dubbed House Check. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent. Vibe Check makes his debut taking over the Jamieson Household as Big Smoke kills the previous owner. High quality Vibe Check Emoji Meme-inspired gifts and merchandise. As of Part 17, Joel has not delivered his promise yet despite purposefully putting him in risky situations to lower his reputation and get himself killed, however this has accidentally turned into a Redemption Arc for Vibe, getting stronger and miraculously killing DoomGuy. He's stated that if anything bad were to happen in the town, he would use Vibe Check as bait. In Season 2, Joel constantly talks about how he wants Vibe Check to suffer a slow, painful death because of the fact that it's pretty much a dead meme at this point. He also occasionally models for his roommate Bob Ross sometimes, as Bob likes to paint two enormous paintings of his face, big enough to be seen from space, in order to check the vibes of the entire town of Oasis Springs. He works as a drug dealer and a style influencer. Vibe Check has a habit of taking selfies of himself and leaving them at other people's houses and public venues, as a way to constantly check the vibes of those present. He is yet another very dangerous individual that should be avoided by normal townies. He is nearly always horny and even has some lap dancing and pole-dancing skills to boot. Vibe Check is obsessed with "checking people's vibes", through violent acts, such as brandishing both a gun and a knife at the same time, all the time. Since his debut in Part 10, his true intentions and why he exists in the world of Meme House are unknown, but he is violent and unpredictable. Vibe Check is an insane entity who lives with Freddie Mercury, Bob Ross and Big Smoke's ghost. Based on this, the application delivers a web map, offering a vibe check based on levels of Cursed, Baby, Feral, Soft, Gremlin and Clown." My name-a Vibe Check, and I am the worst character in the series!" -Vibe Check introducing himself to Death Like other ShindanMaker tests, the application only requires users' names. In return, you’ll get a chart that tells you where you fall on the vibe spectrum, with categories ranging from “cursed” to “feral” to “gremlin.” It also tells you whether you passed or failed. All you have to do is visit the page, type in your name (or any name), hit the “diagnose” button, and watch the magic happen. They wrote: ShindanMaker, a Japanese website that lets people create their own fortune teller-like tests, has a new test among its ranks specifically for conducting vibe checks.

On October 29th, Fast Company published a report on the test. WIthin four days, more than 372,000 took the test and was the site's top diagnoses in the three days since its launching. That day, the earliest known usage of the test was shared (shown below). On October 26th, 2019, ShindanMaker user kitsu_foxpurr published the Vibe Check test.