By all accounts and common sense, this film should not exist. So on this 10th anniversary, I wanted to share my original review of one of my favorite films, just to remind everyone how lucky we “Firefly” nuts really were to have this wonderful conclusion. In fact, I might have to watch it yet again as soon as I finish this post. This film is such an anomaly to me in how perfectly each of the pieces seems to come together. And every time, Wash’s ‘leaf’ brings me to tears, Jayne’s ‘YES!’ causes the giggles, River’s ass-kicking gets my fist pumping, and The Operative still pisses me off…yet I understand where he is coming from. I saw this film 7 times in the theater and lord knows how many times since then at home. Joss did what no one – even us dedicated fans – thought he could. And like Captain Mal himself, Whedon led us into battle and we came out battered but victorious. We understood these characters and their plight, which is why we loved every single one of them despite their numerous flaws. As fans, we were all a part of the crew of Serenity, nomads discarded by ‘popular culture’ and written off as freaks. I was absolutely ecstatic that this movie ever saw the light of day, that Joss Whedon kept on fighting and riling up the fans and made this impossible idea become a reality. Some fans curse the fact that we never received a sequel, not me.
Serenity movie reviews update#
I had absorbed every news article, every minor update on, rewatched the show in its entirety numerous times leading up to the film’s release – I was ready! “Serenity” did not do so hot at the box office, but that is completely ok with me. I still remember the excitement I had as a fan, preparing to see one of my all-time favorite shows, “Firefly” – one that had died a savage death on network television – brought back-to-life on the big screen for one last adventure. Now we arrive at the 10th anniversary of the release of “Serenity”.
Serenity movie reviews archive#
Many of those older reviews from the startup days have fallen away or have been lost to the archive demons, but “Serenity” is one of the few to survive. It was revamped a few years later, and is now the strictly podcast and reviews site that you now find yourself perusing. It was pretty successful, but extremely time-consuming and – let’s face it – I wasn’t going to retire off of it, and I decided to shut it down. It was like all other entertainment sites at that time and still to this day – news / reviews / opinions, etc. Then, in the early 2000’s, I had a crazy idea to start my own website, The Hollywood Outsider (though at the time it was just, and even before that it was Let’s Talk Movies. For many years, I would write them for other sites and adhere to their strict critical standards. I’ve been writing reviews for a long time.